Welcome to my cooking blog!
Hi. My name is Mark and this is my cooking blog.
I get asked a lot for my recipes, so I decided to start this cooking blog. What you’ll find here will be my recipes and my variations on others’ recipes, my cooking tips and who knows what else.
I should say up front that I’m lactose intolerant (check out my lactose intolerance site www.nowhey.org) and I also try to live a low-carb lifestyle. So the recipes you’ll find here will generally be devoid of milk and milk products and try, wherever possible, to be low in carbs.
I hope you enjoy the site and the recipes.
Desserts11 Mar 2009 01:02 am
Hamantaschen are traditional Jewish cookies, made in the shape of a triangle and filled with prune or poppy-seed filling and served during the festival of Purim. They are named after Haman, the villain in the Story of Esther (The Megillah) who wore a three-cornered hat. This recipe is for the prune version.
Main Dishes27 Oct 2008 10:36 pm
Drunken Noodles (aka Thai Spicy Noodles or Pad Kee Mao)
Drunken Noodles is one of my favorite Thai dishes. Some restaurants call it Spicy Noodles and the actual Thai name for the dish is Pad Kee Mao which literally means Stir Fried Shit Drunk. No one really knows why this dish has this name as there’s no alcohol in it. The best explanation I’ve heard is that it’s a favorite of late night drinkers in Thailand, on their way home from the bar when they are Kee Mao. (Others say it’s because the noodles can’t stand up, like a drunk, but I don’t buy that. Most noodle dishes are like that.) You can make this with shrimp, chicken, beef, tofu or just about anything. I’ve had it in restaurants with various veggies added in like onion, green pepper, string beans and more. Mine is a simple recipe with just noodles and meat, but I like to serve it with a steamed (microwaved) Asian green veggie on the side like Baby Bok Choy or Choy Sum. The simple greens make a nice contrast with the complex flavors of the Drunken Noodles.
Mocha Smoothie
Here’s a simple recipe for the Blendtec Total Home Blender. This might work in other blenders too, but consider getting a Blendtec. This makes a nice, sugar-free, zero carb, chilled mocha smoothie. It makes enough for two smoothies in normal tall water glasses. (more…)
Blendtec Blenders

We just bought a new Blendtec Total Home Blender. As blenders go, it seems rather expensive. But so far I am impressed and think it’s worth every penny. I’ll be posting a lot of Blendtec recipes as I perfect them. So far I’m primarily working on non-dairy, low carb, frozen desserts. In the meantime, find out more about the blender here: Blendtec Blenders
Main Dishes15 Sep 2008 03:44 pm
Chicken Ratatouille
I had made this dish once before as a test but was inspired to make it again by the eggplant, pepper and tomatoes I saw in a friend’s garden over the weekend. This is a little different than a regular ratatouille in that it uses chicken to add some protein. I’ve also added mushrooms to give it a chicken cacciatore feel as well. (more…)
Main Dishes&Soups18 Aug 2008 06:23 am
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Borscht
This is my recipe for Sweet and Sour Cabbage Borscht, aka Cabbage Soup. It’s my most requested recipe. Even though it’s called “borscht” there are no beets in it. It is based on my mother’s recipe which I’ve modified. I make it in the slow cooker, my mother made it on the stovetop. It can be a side dish or a full one-pot meal. (more…)
Mark’s Vinaigrette
This is my version of a classic vinaigrette, easy to make and very flavorful.
Main Dishes14 Jun 2008 08:44 pm
Chile Coloradical with Molé Tendencies
This is a variation on the Chile Coloradical recipe also posted here. I love Molé sauce and I thought I would try adding a little Molé flavor (with a twist of course) to the sauce.
Make the Chile Coloradical recipe but add 1 tbs of cocoa powder (100% cacao, not the sweetened stuff), 1 tsp of ground cinnamon and 1 tsp of espresso powder (see, I told you there was a twist). If you don’t have espresso powder then regualr instant coffee will probably do.
Main Dishes26 May 2008 08:11 am
Chile Coloradical (My twist on Chile Colorado)
I had just got in some different chile powders and wanted to play with them. Chile Colorado has always been one of my favorites and it seemed well suited to one of my favorite cooking appliances: the slow cooker or crock pot. I’d never made Chile Colorado before so I did some research. It would appear the best Chile Colorado recipes use no tomatoes, but I wanted to use a lot in mine – so Chile Coloradical was born! (more…)
Main Dishes11 May 2008 07:44 pm
Grilled Salmon with Chipotle/Lime/Tequila Sauce
I wanted to make a sauce that was very flavorful but low in fat, calories and carbs to go with grilled salmon. I created this one using lime, chipotle chili powder and tequila as the main flavors. It’s both tart and spicy with a fair amount of heat. I wanted it to be kind of thick but didn’t want to use a starch (like cornstarch) to thicken it and I also wanted the flavor of the tequila but not the alcohol. Reducing the sauce solved both problems. Although I used this for salmon, you could use it on almost anything like grilled chicken or pork chops. (Probably wouldn’t go so well with beef.) (more…)
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